Where Can You Find My Books?

There are loads of ways to acquire my books! You can buy them from indie bookstores, borrow them from libraries, read on the KoboPlus subscription service, or buy the ebook or paperback online. Scroll to learn more.

Indie Bookstores

I love indie bookstores, and I invite you to support them! You can ask for my paperback books at any indie bookstore. If they don’t have them, they should be able to order them for you. Often times, you can have them sent straight to your home; if not, you can pick them up. 

To find an indie bookstore near you, go here: 


If your indie bookstore won’t special order them for you, you can order them from one of my favorite bookstores: 

Eagle Harbor Books

Liberty Bay Books

Saltwater Books

(Tell them Serena Bell suggested you contact them! And if you order from an indie store, I’d be happy to also send you a signed bookplate; just email me at serenabell@serenabell.com, show me a screenshot of a receipt or order from an indie bookstore, and let me know your snail mail address.) 


I love it when readers tell me they got my book from the library. I was a total library kid! I spent so much of my childhood in libraries, often walking out with a grocery-sized paper bag full of books. And when you borrow or request one of my books, that translates to more libraries wanting to purchase and carry my books—which makes me really happy!

There are loads of ways to borrow library books, including the old-fashioned but still amazing paper way. (If your library doesn’t have paper copies of my book, definitely ask if they’d be willing to order them. They often are.) 

Two other ways of using libraries I love are hoopla and Libby, both apps for your phone. If you have a library card and one of these apps, you can borrow many, many e-books for free.

Bonus hint! If you live near but not in a major metro area, you can often get an additional library card for the city library, which will have a big ebook collection. 

You can learn more about hoopla here, or about Libby here.

If you already use one of these two apps, you may be able to request that your library add a book you want.

Here’s what hoopla says about asking your library to add books: 

*Not all libraries offer title requests.* If your library does, you can browse for titles that the library does not have in their catalog and request that the library purchase a copy. You will have a set number that you can request per month and can view all requests under the dropdown, My hoopla, Title Requests.

And here’s how to use Libby to ask your library to add books, assuming your library allows requests.

Signed Paperbacks at Etsy

You can find my Etsy store here: 


All my books are available there as signed paperbacks. 


To find my books on Kobo, go here.

To find my books on Barnes & Noble, go here.

To find my books on Apple Books, go here.

To find my books on Amazon, go here.

To find my books on Google Play Books, go here.

Kobo Plus

You may be familiar with Kindle Unlimited. That’s a subscription service that lets you pay a flat fee every month to read as many books (that are available in KU) as you want. Sometimes readers ask why my books aren’t in Kindle Unlimited.

The reason is that KU requires exclusivity, meaning that if my e-books are in KU, they can’t be anywhere else. They can’t be on Kobo, Apple Books, Google Play Books, or Barnes & Noble. They can’t be on Radish or Kiss or Chapters. They can’t be on Libby or hoopla or any other library apps.

I want my books to be available to all readers everywhere! So no KU for me. (Important note: There are some AMAZING books in KU. And many authors put their books in KU because it’s right for them, their books, their readers, and their business. It’s all valid! This is just why I do what I do.)

But there IS a subscription service that isn’t exclusive. It’s called Kobo Plus.

It’s $8 a month, or $10 a month if you want 🎧 audio 🎧 too. (As of May 2024. Prices subject to change! I wish I could say I would always keep this web site up to date! But then I would never have time to write books for you!)

It’s available to you right now as a free app right on your device. (And you can be a member of both KU and Kobo Plus, which will give you access to pretty much ALL the books.)

You can sign up and try it free for a month here.

Lots and Lots of E-Retailers

If you want to find more places my ebooks are available, you can use Books2Read. The Books2Read link for my books always looks like this: 


So for Make Me Wilder, you’d go to http://books2read.com/SB-MakeMeWilder

Note: If someone promises my book to you for free, it might be too good to be true. If you see it in my newsletter or on my social media, or in another author’s newsletter or on their social media, it’s probably OK. But if you see it free somewhere online and it’s not free other places, it’s probably a pirate site. Pirate sites are bad for authors. Writing is surprisingly hard work with surprisingly low pay. Very few authors get rich doing what they do. And piracy makes it harder to make a living. This is also why you shouldn’t purchase, read, and return books or audiobooks. Even though libraries seem to do exactly this, they pay authors extra money to loan their books out. Pirate sites don’t pay authors anything.

Spread the word! If you love books, make sure authors get paid for their work by buying or borrowing through a legitimate platform, like the ones mentioned on this page.