Ten Ways to Capture Ideas

It makes me crazy when I have a great idea and then forget it. So here's my list of favorite ways to make sure the ideas are still around when I'm ready to use them.In the car1. Record it on a digital voice recorder. I like my Olympus WS-300M (an old model).2. Capture it using the record function hiding in iPod touch or iPhone utilities.3. Leave yourself a (hands-free) voicemail message. (Just don't get all excited when you see it later.)While cooking4. Set your digital voice recorder on the voice-activated setting so when your hands are coated with chicken slime, you don't even have to hit the "record" button.5. Keep a stash of broken crayons in a jar so you can grab one even if your hands are wet or dirty and scribble an idea on a paper towel.In the shower6. As previously mentioned, the bath crayon is a cheap and convenient way to get your whole family involved in plotting and outlining.7. With full credit to Delia Moran for the inspiration, use a Rite-in-the-Rain spiral-bound notebook and all-weather pen.On a run8. Use the (free) Dragon Dication app for iPhone or iPod touch, then email text to yourself.9. Send a text to your email account.In bed10. Direct message yourself from whatever mobile device you Tweet from.Romance-writer bonus idea-capture idea #11:Write it with your tongue on your bedmate. S/he will still remember in the morning.


Six Sentence Sunday, October 9, 2011


Six Sentence Sunday, October 2, 2011